

Credit Cards

As you may know the banks that issue credit cards have once again raised their rates, this was done even to those who always pay their bill on time.
They are trying to establish this rate before Obama can put a stop to their thieving ways. The bill that has been put before him and approved wont take action against these higher rates until 2010. Many in the House are asking that it be done before the end of 2009. This is just another way for the owners of the Federal Reserve Banks
to take more money from the poor.... I for one would like to see it get rushed through just like they did the stimulus.

U.S. News Editor Brian Kelly goes inside our latest digital magazine for a look at the Cardholders' Bill of Rights and the new push on Capitol Hill to combat climate change.


Obama adds another mouth for YOU to feed at the White House.

For those who may have missed is what you and all other taxpayers are paying for. Yes, It's a DOG. Now you can bet you will also have to pay for the food it eats, for the grooming it will no doubt get regularly as well as the veterinarian bills. This dog will get better food, better health care and a nicer place to live than most middle and lower class workers and YOU will pay for it. With the economy in such bad shape your tax dollars could have been put to better use. What do you think?


Bush Official: Release of CIA secrets by Obama 'Unbelievable'

Bush administration official says Obama's release of Bush memos on CIA interrogation techniques does "grave damage" to national security.

More on the targeting of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in FBI crackdown on "white supremacists."

Thumbs up on gay marriage from N.Y. Gov.

What not to do when shoplifting at Wal-Mart
Two women caught in shoplift boner.