

Obamas Social Security Number, NOT!

LINKS: The Plot Thickens: Debt Collector; Obama's Social Security number r for Connecticut applicants also tied to an alias Harrison J Bounel. The debt collector also claims Obama has used two other Social Security numbers in Illinois. This interview covers several issues ranging from O's SS# to his property tax filings in Chicago to 50+ different addresses tied to Obama and Michelle across the country. The interview aired on TruNews Radio 5/18/2011. -


Obama is killing our military

Obama has tipped his hand. He’s showing the entire country what he thinks about our military service people – the people who risk their lives and some who die for their country are worth less than civilian defense workers who push papers around in Washington. Now what does that say about our leader? Please read and post your opinion at this site. I think it's time we all take a stand and demand Obama be impeached. This liar should be in prison for what he has done to the people and this country.
I would like to see him sent back to Kenya where he was born, but they don't want him there.


Rigged Election in 2008

I said it back in 2008 and now it has been confirmed.
There were leaks of votes being made by dead people.
There were rumors (that turn out to be true) that people
voted more than once. Now we learn that Rev. Jess Jackson
was paid a handsome figure to keep his mouth shut about
candidate Obama, a man for whom he had little regard.
So how low will he stoop to get reelected???

Read more....2008 election crimes