

Only in America

Obama dancing on your money then giving it away...
Turn up your speakers , Enjoy the video


Birnbaum on Washington (Nov. 23, 2009)

Jeff Birnbaum discusses what will happen now that health care reform legislation has been moved to the Senate floor.

Palins "Going Rogue"

Sarah Palin's autobiography hits stores Tuesday. "Going Rogue" is the 2008 election told by the Republican vice presidential candidate, and running mate to John McCain. She may have her sights set on the White House in 2012, but is she still the darling of the Republican base?


Reasons for Impeachment

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Here are just a handful of the bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Barack Hussein Obama.

He lied to the American people when he said we could keep our private insurance, knowing full well that his legislation would inevitably drive private insurers out of business.

Gerald Walpin, Inspector General of the Corporation For National and Community Service investigated Kevin Johnson, a big buddy of the president, for misuse of funds from an AmeriCorps grant. Whereupon Obama vindictively fired Walpin to cover for Johnson. A subsequent investigation vindicated Walpin’s judgment in the matter.

Barack Hussein Obama has overseen the effective takeover by government of banks, the largest insurance company (AIG), and General Motors (GM) and Chrysler... the bulk of the U.S. auto industry, thus depriving bondholders, shareholders, and others of their property.

Barack Hussein Obama is actively pursuing cap-and-trade legislation. Instead of taxing the very air we breathe, it would instead, in a manner of speaking, tax the air we exhale and give the government unprecedented control over the economy and American businesses.

Barack Hussein Obama is running up our debt at an alarming rate. In just 9 months since Obama assumed office, our National Debt has gone up by over a trillion dollars. To put that figure in perspective, it took George W. Bush 8 years to add 4.8 trillion to the National Debt.

And, to add insult to injury, we're printing money like it's going out of style and without any backing. It's just a note, much like an IOU. The effect will be hyper-inflation, a crippling of our economy and, quite possibly, personal hardship on a scale that has not been experienced since the Great Depression.

Barack Hussein Obama has appointed countless “Czars” to oversee everything from the closing of Guantanamo to the food we eat. These Czars don’t have to be approved by the Senate. The Czars have unprecedented power and report only to Obama. Members of both parties are disturbed by these extra-Constitutional excrescences.

Senator Robert Byrd said: “The accumulation of power by White House staff can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances.” Congressman Jack Kingston called the Czars a “parallel government.”

And finally, Obama has consistently refused to approve the release of his actual birth certificate, college transcripts and his medical records.

And these matters only scratch the surface.

It's almost as if Obama is intentionally trying to destroy the country.


House passes U.S. health bill

The House of Representatives backs the biggest U.S. healthcare reform bill in four decades. BUT will it work for all of us?


Federal Health Funding for Abortion

Obama needs to get off the White House lawn playing with his dog and see what is going on behind his back. Or maybe he knows and just don't want us to know that he knows. While he is saying one thing Pelosi is doing another. Who do we believe? She is pushing for votes this Saturday. Will Obama stand behind what he says and stop her from dropping this little pearl about federal funding for abortion. Remember folks that Obama voted yes to killing babies who were still alive when aborted when in Illinois.


Obama Lies!

How can we trust him? He has lied to us so many times, not only about his birth but possibley about the date of birth and whether it was legitimate or where it took place.. On one occasion Michell Obama has said "she (Stanley Dunham) was "very young and very single" when he was born...How can we know when anything he or she says is the truth. It seems both have somehow failed to get their stories straight.

I believe the true facts keep Obama awake at night. This eligibility issue is the only issue that threatens not only the future of his presidency, but almost everything he thinks he has already accomplished as president.
It will be a shame if we learn he was ineligible to serve in the office of president only after he's gone. If we can force the issue to be addressed while he is still in office, we have a chance of turning back the clock
on many of the destructive actions he has taken already. If he's not able to prove his constitutional qualifications, we might all be able to wake up one day and think of the Obama administration as just a bad dream
Many ask, with Obama obviously hiding something, what if it turns out he is not actually eligible to be president? Is it possible that a straightforward constitutional criterion was overlooked during a long, grueling, expensive campaign? Why are so many questions about something so simple still going unanswered? And why are large sums of money being paid to the president's lawyers to block release of the most basic information about the most powerful man in the world?


Michelle's Bees, Obama's Gray Hair

Washington Whispers Editor Paul Bedard talks to the White House beekeeper and looks at how the president has gone gray--and fast. Too much worrying about how to cover up or keep the American Citizens from his birth and school records along with his reckless spending would make anyone gray....


Obama reacts to bleak jobs data.

With the unemployment rate rising to 9.8 percent in September, President Obama says he is exploring all options to promote job creation. Just what is he doing? The small businesses needs support just like the major businesses got. The mom and pop stores are closing which doesn't help our economy or the faith in our country. Billions have been spent on banks and auto manufactures, but what has been done for other businesses that supply jobs for the little people?


Healthcare bill setback for Obama

The Senate Finance Committee has rejected a government-run insurance option dealing a setback for President Obama in his effort to overhaul the US health care system.


Will the new Health Plan Cover Obesity

With millions facing the problem of being overweight and needing help such as lapband surgery the question has been "will the new health plan cover this type of surgery"?
For those who need liposuction, will the new plan cover that too? Since obesity is a health problem don't you think this should be covered in all health plans? There are many questions about our new health plan that has yet to be answered. Obesity along with type 2 diabetes is on the rise. Type 2 Diabetes is often caused from being overweight. Type 2 diabetes used to be a disease only older people developed from poor eatting habits, but now even children of 7 have developed this type of diabetes. I can only hope our new health plan comes with a way to help those who are obese.


Obama backs Chicago for Olympics

US President Barack Obama on Wednesday delivered a strong, personal and highly visible endorsement to the 2016 Olympic bid of his hometown of Chicago, declaring: "We want these Games."

Obama scraps Bush's European missile defense plan

Obama scraps Bush's European missile defense plan.
Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama on Thursday shelved a Bush-era plan for an Eastern European missile defense shield that has been a major irritant in relations with Russia. He said a redesigned defensive system would be cheaper and more effective against the threat from Iranian missiles.

"Our new missile defense architecture in Europe will provide stronger, smarter and swifter defenses of American forces and America's allies," Obama said in an announcement from the White House.

Anticipating criticism from the right that he was weakening America's security, Obama said repeatedly that this decision would provide more - not less - protection.

"It is more comprehensive than the previous program, it deploys capabilities that are proven and cost effective, and it sustains and builds upon our commitment to protect the U.S. homeland," he said.

With the announcement, Washington scrapped what had become a politically troublesome plan, and one the Pentagon says was ill-suited to the true threat from Iran. In its place would be a system the Pentagon contends will accomplish the original goal and more.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Iran's changing capabilities drove the decision, but he acknowledged that the replacement system is likely to allay some of Russia's concerns.

Obama also made a pointed reference to Russia and its heated objections to the shield. "Its concerns about our previous missile defense programs were entirely unfounded," Obama said.

The missile defense system planned under the Bush administration was to have been built in the Czech Republic and Poland. Obama phoned Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer Wednesday night and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk Thursday morning to alert them of his decision.

It was immediately unclear whether any part of the new system would still be hosted by those nations, which agreed to host the Bush-planned shield at considerable cost in public opinion and their relations with Russia. Obama said the U.S. will continue to work cooperatively with what he called "our close friends and allies."

Criticism came immediately from Republicans.

Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the second-ranking Republican in the House, said he would "work to overturn this wrong-headed policy."

"Scrapping our missile defense effort in Europe has severe consequences for our diplomatic relations and weakens our national security," Cantor said in a statement. "Our allies, especially Poland and the Czech Republic, deserve better and our people deserve smarter and safer."

The new plan would rely sea and land-based sensors and interceptor missiles intended as a bulwark against Iranian short- and medium-range missiles.

The Bush missile shield plan, which never moved beyond the blueprint stage, would have been a deterrent for Iranian long-range missiles, but Russians worried that the system would be aimed at them.

Gates said that the initial stage of Obama's alternate plan would deploy Aegis ships armed with interceptors, giving the military the ability to move the system around.

Another key to the near-term network would be new, more mobile radar used to detect and track short- and medium-range missiles if they were launched from Iran.

In a press conference that followed Obama's remarks, Gates said that a second phase of the plan would add a modified version of a land-based missile that is still being developed. Gates said the U.S. told the Czech Republic and Poland that they would be part of that stage of the system, which won't take place until 2015.

That second stage could result in missiles being placed on land in Eastern Europe, Gates said.

Gates said the decision to abandon the Bush administration's plans came about because of a change in the U.S. perception of the threat posed by Iran. U.S. intelligence decided short- and medium-range missiles from Iran now pose a greater near-term threat than the intercontinental ballistic missiles the Bush plan addressed, he said.

Still, the decision can be read at least in part as an effort to placate Russia at a time when its support against Iran's suspected nuclear program has not been forthcoming and is sorely needed.

Obama faced the dilemma of either setting back the gradual progress toward repairing relations with Russia or disappointing the Czech Republic and Poland, two key NATO allies.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is preparing to visit the United States next week for the U.N. General Assembly and the Group of 20 nations economic summit.

The plan for a European shield was a darling of the Bush administration, which reached deals to install 10 interceptors in Poland and a radar system in the Czech Republic - eastern European nations at Russia's doorstep and once under Soviet sway. Moscow argued vehemently that the system would undermine the nuclear deterrent of its vast arsenal.

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen called the U.S. decision "a positive step."

And Konstantin Kosachev, head of the foreign affairs committee in the lower house of the Russian parliament, said, "It reflects understanding that any security measure can't be built entirely on the basis of one nation."

Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl called the decision "dangerous and shortsighted."

"The message the administration sends today is clear: The United States will not stand behind its friends and views 're-setting' relations with Russia more important," said the Arizona senator. "This is wrong!"

Sen. John McCain, who lost to Obama in last year's presidential election, called the decision a disappointment that "has the potential to undermine perceived American leadership in Eastern Europe."

Associated Press writers Lara Jakes, Matthew Lee, Robert Burns, Pauline Jelinek and Julie Pace in Washington; Karel Janicek in Prague; and Monika Scislowska and Vanessa Gera in Warsaw contributed to this report.


Obama defends GM Bail-out

President Obama tried to assure auto workers at a General Motors assembly plant that the U.S. economy is slowly turning around and defended his decision to bail out GM.


President Obama's high-stakes speech to Congress is aimed at getting Democrats on board with his plan and convincing skeptics of the need for health care reform.
It seems as though little by little the government is taking control of our lives. What will be next? What would you do if you were president when it comes to providing health care to those who can not afford to pay the health care insurance companies.
What will this health care cover? What about those who need eye glasses or hearing aides, or dental work? Will his Government run plan cover all?


So Why is Obama Still in the White House?

Supreme Court To Hear Obama Citizenship Suit
If our justice system works and the law prevails, Obama could be removed from office. Snopes mentioned this in a short statement, but did not elaborate.
(Now we know why he is so eager to get Sottomayer appointed!)

BOMBSHELL…Supreme Court now has Obama Citizenship AP- WASHINGTON D.C. -

In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obamas qualifications for the presidency, the group Americans for Freedom of Information has Released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school.

The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama, using the adoptive sure name Soetoro, applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as president.

Britains Daily Mail also carried the story in a front-page article titled, "Obama, Eligibility Questioned" leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obamas first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obamas legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey. This lawsuit claims Obamas dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. Donofrios case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obamas citizenship or qualification to serve as president.

Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obamas campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter.
If the findings are true then why is Obama still in the White House?


Health care reform , Is it for You?

Obama to address joint session, U.S. Forest service was warned, and classrooms get assignment from White House. Jilly Badanes reports the top news stories of the day at


What happened to Freedom of Choice?

When our government starts telling us where, who and when we can visit a doctor we have lost our freedom of choice. When we lose our freedom we become slaves to the government. Isn't it bad enough that we are already slaves to the illegal IRS because of our government?
Who will make the decision of who should live or die? Not you! Will newborns that are illegitimate be thrown in the trash to die? Will women be forced to have abortions if something is found to be wrong with the child before birth?
Will aborted babies who are alive be left to die by starvation or neglect or will the doctors kill them before they abort them?
If you have cancer will you be able to receive the medication you need or will you be forced to die because of your age? Too young or too old??? Who will decide who gets treatment and who doesn't? It will no longer be YOUR choice.....Do you really trust this corrupt government with your life?


Obama Joker Artist Revealed

Who else can they find to compare Obama to that make us stop and think?
Did "we the people" put the wrong man in the White House? If you had it to do over would you vote for this man who refuses to show his legal birth certificate or any legal document that can prove he is a "born" citizen of the US? Looks like the JOKE is on us!

Bottom Line on Public Health

If our government takes over our health care what will they take over next?
Is this what we want, to be told by our government what doctor we can see, what treatment we can or can not receive? Why not set up help for those who can't afford any health care and regulate the amount hospitals and physicians can charge for treatment? There has got to be a better way....
Too much control will lead to us living under the thumb of the government just like communist had to live. No wonder Obama is being compared to Hitler, they seem to travel on parallel lines when it comes to control of the people.


Obama Unveils Bank Reform Plan

The big question is Will It Work?


11 reasons to Fear for Your Freedom

What would you say if I gave you 11 reasons why the elections in
2010 will be the most important in the history of the United States?
Yes there are more reasons but these are at the top of the list along
with the most important one which has to do with our Constitution.

1. What if I had told you in October 2008, before the last
presidential election, that before Barack Obamas first 100 days in
office, the federal government would be in control of both the mortgage
and the banking industries? That 19 of America's largest banks would be
forced to undergo stress tests by the federal government which would
determine that they were insufficiently capitalized so they must be
supervised by the government?

Would you have said, Cmon that will never happen in America?"

2. What if I had told you that within Barack Obama's first 100
days in office the federal government would be the largest shareholder
in two US automakers, GM, and Chrysler? That the government would kick
out the CEOs of these companies and appoint hand-picked executives with
zero experience in the auto industry and that executive compensation
would be determined not by a Board of Directors but by the government?

Would you have said, Cmon that will never happen in America?

3. What if I had told you that Barack Obama would appoint 21
Czars, without congressional approval, accountable only to him not to
the voters who would have control over a wide range of US policy
decisions? That there would be a Stimulus Accountability Czar, an Urban
Czar, a Compensation Czar, an Iran Czar, an Auto Industry Czar, a Cyber
Security Czar, an Energy Czar, a Bank Bailout Czar, and more than a
dozen other government bureaucrats with unchecked regulatory powers over
US domestic and foreign policy?

Would you have said, Cmon that will never happen in America?

4. What if I had told you that the federal deficit would be $915
billion in the first six months of the Obama presidency - with a
projected annual deficit of $1.75 trillion - triple the $454.8 billion
in 2008, for which the previous administration was highly criticized by
Obama and his fellow Democrats? That congress would pass Obama's $3.53
trillion federal budget for fiscal 2010? That the projected deficit over
the next ten years would be greater than $10 trillion?

Would you have said, Cmon that will never happen in America?

5. What if I had told you that the Obama Justice Department
would order FBI agents to read Miranda rights to high-value detainees
captured on the battlefield and held at US military detention facilities
in Afghanistan? That Obama would order the closing of the Guantanamo
detention facility with no plan for the disposition of the 200-plus
individuals held there? That several of the suspected terrorists at
Guantanamo would be sent to live in freedom in Bermuda at the expense of
the US government? That our US veterans would be labeled terrorists and
put on a watch list.

Would you have said, Cmon that will never happen in America?

6. What if I had told you that the federal government would seek
powers to seize key companies whose failures could jeopardize the
financial system? That a new regulatory agency would be proposed by
Obama to control loans, credit cards, mortgage-backed securities, and
other financial products offered to the public?

Would you have said, Cmon that will never happen in America?

7. What if I had told you that Obama would travel to the Middle
East, bow before the Saudi king, and repeatedly apologize for Americas
past actions? That he would travel to Latin America where he would
warmly greet Venezuela's strongman Hugo Chavez and sit passively in the
audience while Nicaraguan Marxist thug Daniel Ortega charged America
with terrorist aggression in Central America?

Would you have said, Cmon that will never happen in America?

8. Okay, now what if I were to tell you that Obama wants to
dismantle conservative talk radio through the imposition of a new
Fairness Doctrine? That he wants to curtail the First Amendment rights
of those who may disagree with his policies via internet blogs, cable
news networks, or advocacy ads? That most major network television and
most newspapers will only sing his phrases like state run media in
communist countries?

Would you say, Cmon that will never happen in America?

9. What if I were to tell you that the Obama Justice Department
is doing everything it can to limit your Second Amendment rights to keep
and bear arms? That the federal government wants to reinstate the
so-called assault weapons ban which would prohibit the sale of any type
of firearm that requires the shooter to pull the trigger every time a
round is fired? That Obamas Attorney General wants to eliminate the sale
of virtually all handguns and ammunition, which most citizens choose for

Would you say, Cmon that will never happen in America?

10. What if I were to tell you that the Obama plan is to
eliminate states rights guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment and give the
federal government sweeping new powers over policies currently under the
province of local and state governments and voted on by the people? That
Obama plans to control the schools, energy production, the environment,
health care, and the wealth of every US citizen?

Would you say, Cmon that will never happen in America?

11. What if I were to tell you that the president, the courts,
and the federal government have ignored the US Constitution and have
seized powers which the founders of our country fought to restrict? That
our last presidential election may have been our last truly free
election for some time to come? That our next presidential election may
look similar to the one recently held in Iran?

I know, I know what you will say, that will never happen in

If we don't do everything in our power to stop this madness in
may God have mercy on our worthless souls.

I have begun to conclude that America is caught in a "perfect storm". It didn't occur overnight, but it has rapidly reached a point wherein the very life of the nation is at stake.
For more interesting reading click here---->"The Perfect Storm"



When Clinton lied, nobody died.
When Bush lied, too many died.
When Obama lied, the economy, capitalism, freedom and hope for our country died.


How to Stop Obamas Traveling.....Gorilla Glue !

Former Ga. governor suggests using ‘Gorilla Glue’ on Obama
by Ryan Underwoodon July 17, 2009 in National News and Politics.

Former Georgia governor Zell Miller, speaking before a crowd of lawmakers in Atlanta Thusday, suggested that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel “put Gorilla Glue” in Pres. Barack Obama’s chair to keep him in the Oval Office instead of traveling the globe.

I wonder how the reaction to the former Democrat’s remark will compare to that of Tennessee’s legislative staffer, Sherri Goforth, who sent a racially charged email about Obama through her state account and sparked a national outcry.


Teleprompter broke during speech

Obama depends on the teleprompter to help him deliver his speeches. But this time he isn't at a loss for words like before because he can read what has to be said from the one on the floor.


President Obama pitches healthcare reform in Wisconsin

Surrounded by supportive citizens in the heartland, President Barack Obama on Thursday challenged lawmakers back in Washington who criticize his proposed health care overhaul.


Obama calls for new health care spending cuts

In his weekly Internet and radio address Saturday, Obama proposed cutting $313 billion from Medicare and Medicaid programs over 10 years.


Obama raps Ahmadinejad on Holocaust

President Obama takes a harsh tone toward Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regarding his denial of the existence of the Holocaust.


How long can he lie to the citizens?

The "Certification of Live Birth" posted online and widely touted as "Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate – which includes information like the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny.

Oddly, though congressional hearings were held to determine whether Sen. John McCain was constitutionally eligible to be president as a "natural born citizen," no controlling legal authority ever sought to verify Obamas claim to a Hawaiian birth.

By now those who wanted to know have had time to read the truth ...that Obama was born in Kenya not Hawaii. Even Obamas grandmother has said he was born there and was later taken back to Hawaii where his mother applied and received a "live birth" certificate from the state of Hawaii. This is the one that has been shown on the Obama website. Why it doesn't have the pertinent information on it is quiet obvious. The state of Hawaii is NOT where he was born so there can not be a name of any attending physician or the name of any hospital in Hawaii. That would be printing a lie. So Obama has chosen to cover up his true birth place and force this secondary copy of his birth on the citizens of the USA. It is just a piece of paper stating he was born, not where he was born.


Daughter Found and Unharmed

I really love it when the prosecutor says "the rules apply to all of us"
If so why is it men or women who are wealthy get by with almost anything?
I think the truth is "You are guilty until you have enough to pay the judicial system to twist the truth in your favor." Even our judges have been guilty of taking money to overthrow a verdict. Just ask yourself, Why does Justice wear a blindfold? So she can't see the truth...

Prosecutors have opened the kidnapping trial of the man who calls himself Clark Rockefeller by portraying him as someone who thinks the rules do not apply to him.


200 tips come in for missing girl

Police searching for a missing 5-year-old girl near Detroit, say over 200 tips have come in but no arrests have been made. The child was last seen Sunday night in the parking lot of her apartment complex in Monroe, 40 miles south of Detroit.


Iraq War:

So when is Obama going to fulfill his promise of bringing our men and women home?
Guess he's been too busy playing Santa Claus and giving away as much money as he can to his crooked "buddies" to even think about them. Thank God they are still willing to fight and die for a country that is going under faster than a rock in water. Most hope they do not die for a country that is slowly but surly dying one day at a time.

Bombers struck in Baghdad and a northern city Thursday, killing three American soldiers and nearly two dozen Iraqis in a new spasm of violence that has taken at least 66 lives in two days.


More lies from Obama

What Obama said:
"On all of these matters related to the disclosure of sensitive information, I wish I could say that there is a simple formula," Obama said. "But there is not. These are tough calls involving competing concerns, and they require a surgical approach. But the common thread that runs through all of my decisions is simple: we will safeguard what we must to protect the American people, but we will also ensure the accountability and oversight that is the hallmark of our constitutional system. I will never hide the truth because it is uncomfortable. I will deal with Congress and the courts as co-equal branches of government. I will tell the American people what I know and don’t know, and when I release something publicly or keep something secret, I will tell you why."

Can we believe anything he says? Why is he spending millions to keep his birth place a secret. "We the people" have a right to know.


Don Lambro is joined by Jeff Birnbaum to discuss some of President Obama's major proposals that are not fairing well on Capitol Hill.


Remains of stress clinic victims arrive in US

The bodies of 3 soldiers killed at a combat stress clinic in Iraq were brought to Dover Air Force Base on Wednesday night. An Army sergeant is facing 5 counts of murder and 1 count of aggravated assault in the treatment center shooting.

Questions? Where are the answers???

* Is there a conspiracy to rule the world?
* What is the plan to bring America into a one-world order?
* What is the utopian dream of the United Nations?
* How far does the long tentacles of the United Nations in your life reach?
* Who will explain the World taxes and a world court for world citizens?
* What is the Federal Reserve and who owns it?
* What links world businesses, foundations and governments
* What are the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission?
* What are the authority and mission of FEMA?
* What is the role of the New Age movement and environmentalism in a world religion?
* Who controls The erosion of rights, freedom and national sovereignty?
* Why the need to create chaos to usher in a new world order?
* The subversion of the Constitution by Executive Order
* What is the real agenda of secret societies? Technology's theft of privacy: chips, satellites and tracking
* Is artificial weather modification real?
* Who was the most influential woman of the 20th Century?
* Who,why, how and at whose expense are the world players trying to bring change?
* Who is Pulling the plug on the world economy?
* How will the global elite's plans affect you and your family in the near future?

The United States Constitution, the bedrock of our country , is dead.
now that the federal government has broken free of the Constitutions chains, government officials are restrained by little more than their sense of what they can get away with.

"Let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution"

--Thomas Jefferson


WorkforceFairness ?

What would union bosses do with more forced dues money and more power?

Just this last week, we got a sneak peek, as AFL-CIO executives wasted member dues on a retreat at a swank 5-star resort in Miami to plot their strategy to pass 'card check' legislation.

Now they're one step closer to pushing this devastating bill through Congress.

Deficit will be 4 times more than last year...

We seem to be going in the wrong direction when it comes to the deficit.
"We the people" were looking for a "Change" in the way the economy was turning
but it looks as if we are going deeper and deeper in debt. Obama may be gainingg in popularity with the people he keeps bailing out while kicking the little people in the ass. Bush was conservative compared to Obama. The deficit will reach 4 times what it was last year when Bush was in office. Sad part is most of this Stimulus money has been handed out to crooks (Acorn) and to those who were spending frivolously. How does he expect to pay it back? Our children will be left to bail out the USA.

Obama: The First 100 Days

The first 100 days have come and gone. It was NOT what most of us thought would happen. Our National Treasury is now headed by a known tax cheater...He has given money to the crooks who helped put him in the White House and God only knows what
he will do next.But don't fear whatever it is the media will uncover the dirt as soon as the deeds are done. At least I hope they can.


Swine Flu and Communion

Communion wine in the Washington, D.C. area may have to become a little less communal. Local churches are skipping Communion wine and replacing the "Sign of Peace" handshake exchanged during Mass with a bow or other gesture.


Obama Kicks Taxpayers in the Teeth

If he's really looking for unwise spending, the president should take a hard look at his so-called stimulus plan.

Triumphs and challenges in Obama's 1st 100 days

Did Obama do what you hoped he would in his first 100 days in office or was you surprised or disappointed. Did the "change" help or hurt the American people?
President Barack Obama's first 100 days in office are marked by change,or, at least, the appearance of it.


Credit Cards

As you may know the banks that issue credit cards have once again raised their rates, this was done even to those who always pay their bill on time.
They are trying to establish this rate before Obama can put a stop to their thieving ways. The bill that has been put before him and approved wont take action against these higher rates until 2010. Many in the House are asking that it be done before the end of 2009. This is just another way for the owners of the Federal Reserve Banks
to take more money from the poor.... I for one would like to see it get rushed through just like they did the stimulus.

U.S. News Editor Brian Kelly goes inside our latest digital magazine for a look at the Cardholders' Bill of Rights and the new push on Capitol Hill to combat climate change.


Obama adds another mouth for YOU to feed at the White House.

For those who may have missed is what you and all other taxpayers are paying for. Yes, It's a DOG. Now you can bet you will also have to pay for the food it eats, for the grooming it will no doubt get regularly as well as the veterinarian bills. This dog will get better food, better health care and a nicer place to live than most middle and lower class workers and YOU will pay for it. With the economy in such bad shape your tax dollars could have been put to better use. What do you think?


Bush Official: Release of CIA secrets by Obama 'Unbelievable'

Bush administration official says Obama's release of Bush memos on CIA interrogation techniques does "grave damage" to national security.

More on the targeting of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in FBI crackdown on "white supremacists."

Thumbs up on gay marriage from N.Y. Gov.

What not to do when shoplifting at Wal-Mart
Two women caught in shoplift boner.


Gay Marriage Legalized in Iowa

Gay rights activists are celebrating after Iowa's Supreme Court struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage.
Is this what God would want? Are the people who condone this guilty of sin as well as those who get married to a same-sex partner? Is homosexuality a choice or is it a "disease" of the brain? What do you think?

Search for clues leads to California church

Authorities are planning to search a church in Tracy, California as part of their investigation into the death of an 8-year-old girl whose body was found stuffed in a suitcase dumped in a pond.
It's a sad world we live in when someone stoops so low and takes the life of a child.
If this keeps up there wont be enough people to pay back all the money Obama has borrowed from the FEDs to pay for the outrageously stimulas he is dolling out to his crooked friends.

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

Learn who really controls this country...The Rich owners of the Federal Reserve Banks.
The only president who knew the banks would change our lives and take away our freedom, who stood up for our country and upheld the Constitution, since Jefferson was J.F. Kennedy. All presidents since have been a "SHAM". They are being used and controlled by the private, rich owners of the Federal Reserve Banks. MONEY has become our controlling factor "We the people..." have lost our freedom. This is no longer "home of the free" , we have all become slaves to the FEDs.
Please take the time to watch and listen then tell everyone you know to watch and listen to this video.

Obama: Double Standards

Michigan Congressman Thaddeus McCotter complains of a double standard in forcing GM CEO Rick Wagoner out, but doing nothing to bank bosses whose companies also received billions in taxpayer bailouts.

Obama administration accused of using Mexican border violence as an excuse to curtail workplace immigration enforcement.

Sen. Dodd reportedly gets big bucks from AIG employees.


Bailing out the economy

The Nasdaq headed sharply lower on Friday, one day after a solid rally helped it temporarily wipe away all of its losses for the year. Traders pinned the declines mostly on profit-taking after the big rally seen in recent weeks. Another round of upbeat signals from the consumer did little to tame the selling. President Obama speaks with bank leaders ahead of global discussions on how to fix the world's economy. Speaker: David Henderson, NYSE trader, Dru Stock Conway Gittens reports from New York.


Terror Suspects May Be Released in U.S.

Obama's intelligence head confirms some Gitmo detainees may be released in the states and also given assistance to return to society. What about the citizens of the USA who need assistance? Are they going to get any help or must they suffer in silence. This is scary, even George had better sense than that!

Vets seething over Murtha award. Top Democrat on Senate Finance Committee warns House liberals against railroading health care reform.

Toilet sausage fire lands inmate in doghouse. At least we can laugh about that!


Setback for Obama's 'Cap and Trade'

Budget negotiators in both House and Senate drop Obama's plan to tax greenhouse gas emissions in the $3.6 trillion budget.
Rep. Ryan rips Democrat spending frenzy.
Netanyahu talks of peace efforts with Palestinians.
A ballpark burger to challenge even the hungriest of gluttons. This one burger could feed a family of 4.


ACORN Accused of Mob Tactics

Whistleblower says ACORN provided liberal causes with protest-for-hire services and coerced donations from demonstration targets using a gangland-style "protection" racket. Which to most who have been following the news about ACORN are not surprised. The White House and congressional officials discussed allowing bonuses for executives of companies getting bailouts at meetings from which Republicans were excluded. Obama surrenders plan to have combat-wounded veterans pay for medical care. As for me I think every man or woman who runs for a higher government office should have more knowledge of what war can do to a person both physically and mentally. A requirement of 2 years service in any branch of the military would be a lesson to some. I'm happy to hear he has done an about face on this one. Our troops deserve more than what they are getting for risking their lives to keep our country
free from war on the homeland. They already get less care than the aliens who are here illegally. Don't believe me? Just visit any veterans hospital and you will see.


GOP Sounds Alarm Over Obama Budget

Republican Senators warn of record debt if Obama and Democrats get their budget passed. An "ignoramus" is how Venezuela's Chavez describes Obama. Layoffs possible at Alabama company after U.S agency decides to buy cheaper Chinese condoms. Clorox puts up reward to catch San Francisco's potty pyromaniac.


Obama apologizes for remark

Without someone telling him what to say, Obama should learn to think before he speaks.

President Obama compares his bowling to Special Olympics and White House quickly issues an apology... Obama's appearance on the Jay Leno late night talk show was the first ever for a sitting President.

Obama lists budget priorities in weekly chat

President Barack Obama says that while the details may change, any budget passed by Congress must cut the deficit, reform health care, invest in education and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.


Earmark Filled Bill Passes Senate

The $410 billion spending bill goes to Pres. Obama to sign despite millions of dollars in pork. Another challenger goes after embattled Sen. Specter's seat. And is Speaker Pelosi using the Air Force as her personal airline?


Obama's 'Cap and Tax' Hits Households Hard

Tennessee U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn says Obama's "cap and trade," which she calls "cap and tax" will cost each household $1300 in new energy taxes. She also notes Obama has killed any expansion of off-shore oil drilling. Mrs. Blackburn points out that under Obama's spending, the national debt will reach $14 trillion. She says she's happy there was bipartisan opposition to the "stimulus" package and its 8600 earmarks. Hear her thoughts on the nationalization of banks and the morale of the minority GOP in the House.

50 Days and Counting....

Here's a recap of Obamas' first 50 days in office.
Watch this video and see if he is trying to keep his promises to the people..


Obama to Reverse Bush-era Stem Cell Policy

The most sensible move Obama has done since taking office.


Unemployment: 25 year high

Unemployment rises to an unbelievable high. Men and women are looking for work in any
form to be able to buy food and take care of their family. At least the people who work in the unemployment offices have work to do. How secure is your
job? Will the stimulus help these people or will it hurt them?


Obama to hold banks 'fully accountable'

Obama to hold banks 'fully accountable for their actions'

In a speech to a joint session of Congress, President Barack Obama says the money Americans have deposited in U.S. banks is safe and the nation can rely on the continued operation of the financial system. The banks must be made responsible for their mistakes and stop depending on the government to bail them out. Someone needs to watch over them.... V P Biden, has his job cut out for him as Obama appointed him the watchdog.

GOP's Jindal calls Obama's plan irresponsible

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says Republicans are ready to work with the president on turning around the economy, but says Obama's recovery plan will increase the size of government, raise taxes and saddle future generations with debt. Everyone is wondering just how does he intend to pay for all this help from the government. Some people don't care how they just want more....

Help for Our Health Care

Obama: Health care must be reformed now

In his speech to Congress, President Barack Obama said the 'crushing cost' of health care is driving families and small businesses into bankruptcy and hobbling American businesses in global economic competition.


Middle East Expert: Iran a Threat to Entire Region

Dr. Walid Phares, professor and commentator on global terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs tells Newsmax TV that Iran is not only a threat to Israel, but also to all of America's moderate allies in the region. He notes Iran's development of an intercontinental missile. Also, hear his views on Obama's deployment of 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan, on Pakistan's surrendering the strategic Swat Valley to the Taliban, on Obama's planned closing of Gitmo and whether a right-wing Israeli government would ever make peace with the Palestinians.

Send in more troops? Or bring them home? Which will it be?

Sunday Show Roundup: Iraq Backtrack Flak Your Daily Politics Video Blog: The McCain camp has jumped all over Obama's statement last week that he would continue to "refine" his Iraq policy following a planned upcoming meeting with military leaders in the country. Obama says he's remained totally consistent, but Joe Lieberman and the Fox News Sunday "All-Star Panel" beg to differ. How can this be done by sending in more troops? Are they being sent to replace the ones Obama intends to bring home?

This Week in Washington D.C.

Nightmare on Stimulus Street: Why the big rush on the "stimulus" plan? Better alternatives existed. According to a Fox News poll, 51% support Obama's stimulus bill. The remaining 39% actually read it. Where do you stand?


$15B from stimulus going to Medicaid plan

President Barack Obama told the nation's governors Monday that the administration is quickly releasing $15 billion from the stimulus package to help them cover soaring Medicaid costs. Things are moving much faster than was expected.


Tax Cuts in April

Tax Cuts Start April 1, Obama Says

Tax cuts that are part of the recently passed stimulus package will start April 1, President Barack Obama says, adding that a typical family will take home $65 more a month. "It is only a first step on the road to economic recovery," he says.
Obama's expensive and ambitious package of federal spending and tax cuts is designed to revive the economy and save or create 3.5 million or more jobs. It will inject a sudden boost of cash into transportation, education, energy and health care, while aiming to help recession victims through tax cuts, extended unemployment benefits and short-term health insurance assistance. It also will add to a rapidly growing national debt. And who will the burden of paying back this money fall to? Your children, your grandchildren and their children.

GM Shares Hit 70 Year Lows

Automaker General Motors continues to slide in stock price as speculation that the company may not survive as it seeks additional government loans pushed share prices to levels not seen in over 70+ years this session. Is it a good time to buy shares in this failing company? I think so...


Canada Welcomes Obama

Refuse the Stimulus?

S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford-R told Maggie Rodriguez on "The Early Show" the Republican Governors' Association may recommend states in need refuse the Obama stimulus over their concerns about spending. Just where would this money go if all states turned it down...but I don't think that will happen. Do you think any state will refuse FREE money? Could that solve the problems we all face today?


Stimulus: How Much is Your State Getting

Stimulus Pay Out -- How Much Is Your State Getting?

Money for tax breaks and for infrastructure projects that will be handled by the states. Curious what your state is getting? The Associated Press breaks it down:

State Infrastructure:

Ala. $603,871,807

Alaska 240,495,117

Ariz. 648,928,995

Ark. 405,531,459

Calif. 3,917,656,769

Colo. 538,669,174

Conn. 487,480,166

Del. 158,666,838

D.C. 267,617,455

Fla. 1,794,913,566

Ga. 1,141,255,941

Hawaii 199,866,172

Idaho 219,528,313

Ill. 1,579,965,373

Ind. 836,483,568

Iowa 447,563,924

Kansas 413,837,382

Ky. 521,153,404

La. 538,575,876

Maine 174,285,111

Md. 704,863,248

Mass. 890,333,825

Mich. 1,150,282,308

Minn. 668,242,481

Miss. 415,257,720

Mo. 830,647,063

Mont. 246,599,815

Neb. 278,897,762

Nev. 270,010,945

N.H. 181,678,856

N.J. 1,335,784,100

N.M. 299,589,086

N.Y. 2,774,508,711

N.C. 909,397,136

N.D. 200,318,301

Ohio 1,335,600,553

Okla. 535,407,908

Ore. 453,788,475

Pa. 1,525,011,979

R.I. 192,902,023

S.C. 544,291,398

S.D. 213,511,174

Tenn. 701,516,776

Texas 2,803,249,599

Utah 292,231,904

Vt. 150,666,577

Va. 890,584,959

Wash. 739,283,923

W. Va. 290,479,108

Wisc. 716,457,120

Wyo. 186,111,170

U.S. Territories 238,045,760

Total 38,101,898,173

Help for Homeowners

Will this really help the homeowners who are facing foreclosure?
Reducing payments and extending mortgages for another 10 years will
surly help the lenders because it will also extend the interest
they collect. That means the homeowner will pay 3 times to 4 times more
for their home making it more than what it's worth. So your $200,000
home would actually cost you $600,000 or more depending on your interest.


Who is Really Responsible for the Octuplets?

The Grandmother of the octuplets speaks out about her
daughter and the 8 new babies in her life. I must say
I agree with her opinion as to the doctors needing to
take on more responsibility, after all they knew the womans
situation. No home, no job, and a welfare dependent already
with 6 children she could not afford.
It's time for doctors to stop and think about what hardship
these women are thurusting on these children, their families
and the tax payers. Listen to what Angela Suleman, the grandmother
of the now-famous octuplets has to say.


House passes Stimulus Bill

Watch the video then read below what the stimulus will cover
and how it may affect your wallet.

Stimulus: How it may affect your wallet

Stimulus: How much will it cost us?

Congress has finalized the $787 billion economic recovery plan. Here's a look at some of the provisions geared at financial relief for individuals.

Making Work Pay Credit:
The bill provides a $400 credit per worker and a $800 credit per dual-earner couple.

One-time payments to those who don't work: (that's sure to cover a lot with all the lay-off)

Break for higher income families: (Yeah, we knew that would get in there somehow)

Temporary deduction for car buyers: (was that to help the people who needed transportation or the car production industry? What happened to local transits? Why not just issue bus tokens?)

Temporary credit for home buyers: (That would cover every blue collar worker and more, not many people make $75,000 or more a year.)

New temporary college credit: (Estimated cost: $13.9 billion.)

Temporary Pell Grant increase: (Estimated cost: $15.6 billion.)

Temporary expansion of child tax credit: allows lower income families to claim more of the credit than under current law.

Temporary increase in earned income tax credit: Increased to 45% from 40% of qualifying earnings for low-income families with three or more children. Just what some single people without a job are looking forward to. Like the woman who just had 8 babies to add to the 6 she already had and can't even support.

Direct lifeline benefits

Health insurance help for the jobless: COBRA?
How can you pay 35% if you don't have a job???

Unemployment benefits: They fail to tell what restrictions goes with this. What if the employer refuses to pay?

Food stamp payments: (Estimated cost: $19.9 billion.)Frankly this should have been lowered so people would be less likely to sell them to buy booze or cigarettes. I know people who get way more than they spend and offer to buy you food in return for other items.
Then there are some who get turned down for assistance because they own a car that doesn't even run.
It will also provides assistance to help local groups providing food and shelter, elderly nutrition services such as Meals on Wheels, and a program to help food banks re-stock their shelves.Then where does the food go when we have food drives or when boy scouts or other clubs ask for donations. (Estimated cost: $350 million.)

Other help for needy families: Estimated cost: $2.4 billion.

And who is paying for all this?? YOU and all the other hard working tax-payers

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3rd nominee turns down nomination for commerce secretary

Judd Gregg withdrew his nomination for commerce secretary, saying he had irresolvable conflicts with some of President Obama's positions. Gregg is the third cabinet appointee to withdraw his nomination.
Just how many more will turn down Obamas offer?
Disagreements with Obama and his way of doing things
is causing quite a stir in Washington D.C.